The Johor Golf Competitions organised by Kapten K'RuL continues. This time at Starhill Golf & Country Club. Johor golfers came to battle it out, in the "fairest" golf competition ever (since it only uses the Deemples handicap, which everyone can get at no cost, and can't be declared by the golfer themselves).
Rain did stop some play midway, but most golfers completed the round. Congratulations to Lim Ah Hock for an amazing net 68 win against second-place Kapten K'RuL himself with net 74.
3rd place Ariffin Hashim came in at net 77, then the 4-5th place of Foad and Omar tied at net 91.
Watch out for the next Johor golf competition at Tanjong Puteri Golf Resort on the 19 September 2020.
Get Deemples handicap by playing and getting 5 scores submitted via Deemples. If no Deemples hcp by game day, play scratch and have fun!
Register now for future Johor golf competitions to secure your slot, or create your own game and invite your friends on Deemples!
If you want to learn more about the Deemples handicap system, Basically it works the same way as the USGA, where your handicap index is calculated based on the best 10 differentials of your last 20 games. The only difference is that it has to be submitted by 2 other players in your game, and the scores have to match! There's no fee for it, just play 5 games on Deemples and get it!